Global Actors in Swift

In Swift’s concurrency model, global actors provide a mechanism for managing shared resources across different parts of an application in a thread-safe manner


In Swift’s concurrency model, global actors provide a mechanism for managing shared resources across different parts of an application in a thread-safe manner. Global actors are especially useful when certain tasks need to be executed on a specific thread, such as updating the user interface on the main thread. This article will explore what global actors are, how they work, and how to use them effectively in your Swift applications.

What are Global Actors?

Global actors in Swift are singleton actors that provide a shared context for executing tasks. Unlike regular actors, which can be instantiated multiple times and manage their own isolated state, global actors represent a single, global instance that ensures tasks are executed in a controlled and consistent environment. This is particularly useful when certain operations must always occur on a specific thread or within a specific execution context.

A common use case for global actors is ensuring that UI updates happen on the main thread. Since all UI-related tasks in iOS must be performed on the main thread, a global actor can be used to guarantee that these tasks are executed correctly, avoiding potential concurrency issues.

Declaring a Global Actor

Declaring a global actor in Swift is straightforward. You can define a global actor using the @GlobalActor attribute. Here’s an example of declaring a global actor and using it to manage tasks that must run on the main thread:

struct MainActor {
    static let shared = MainActor()
class UserInterfaceManager {
func updateUI() {
// Code to update the UI on the main thread

In this example, the @globalActor attribute is used to define the MainActor global actor. The UserInterfaceManager class is then annotated with @MainActor, ensuring that all methods in this class are executed on the main thread. This guarantees that any UI updates performed by this class are thread-safe.

Using Global Actors

Once you have declared a global actor, you can use it to mark specific tasks or methods that should be executed within the global actor’s context. This is done using the @MainActor annotation for methods or properties, ensuring that they adhere to the global actor’s rules.

Here’s an example of using a global actor to ensure that network response handling and UI updates occur on the main thread:

func handleNetworkResponse(_ response: Data) {
    // Process the network response
func updateUI() {
// Code to update the UI

In this example, both the handleNetworkResponse and updateUI methods are marked with @MainActor, ensuring that they are executed on the main thread. This is crucial for maintaining thread safety when interacting with the user interface.

The Importance of Global Actors in SwiftUI

Global actors are particularly important in SwiftUI, where UI updates must always occur on the main thread. By using the @MainActor annotation, you can ensure that your SwiftUI views and related code run on the main thread, preventing potential crashes and ensuring a smooth user experience.

For example, when updating a SwiftUI view in response to data fetched from a network call, you should ensure that the update code is executed within the context of a global actor:

func updateView(with data: Data) {
    // Update SwiftUI view with new data

By annotating the updateView function with @MainActor, you ensure that any UI changes are performed on the main thread, maintaining the integrity of your application’s UI and preventing potential threading issues.

Global Actors and Cross-Module Interactions

Global actors are also useful when you need to manage cross-module interactions in a thread-safe manner. For instance, if you have multiple modules in your application that need to share resources or communicate, using a global actor can help ensure that these interactions are synchronized and safe.

Consider a scenario where different parts of your application need to access and modify a shared resource, such as a configuration file or a database. By using a global actor to manage access to this resource, you can prevent race conditions and ensure that all modifications are properly synchronized:

struct ConfigurationActor {
    static let shared = ConfigurationActor()
class ConfigurationManager {
private var config: [String: Any] = [:]

func updateConfig(key: String, value: Any) {
    config[key] = value

func getConfig(key: String) -> Any? {
    return config[key]

In this example, the ConfigurationManager class is protected by the ConfigurationActor global actor, ensuring that all access to the config dictionary is thread-safe and properly synchronized across different parts of the application.


Global actors in Swift are a powerful tool for managing shared resources and ensuring thread safety across different parts of your application. By using global actors, you can guarantee that tasks are executed in a consistent and controlled environment, whether it’s updating the UI on the main thread or managing shared resources across modules. Understanding and using global actors is essential for building robust and reliable Swift applications.

Global actors in Swift provide a thread-safe environment for managing shared resources across different parts of an application. They are especially useful for ensuring that tasks like UI updates are always executed on the correct thread, preventing concurrency issues and maintaining application stability.



Johan t'Sas

Owner and Swift developer!