Exodai Academy
Learn how to code and create your own applications with our new Exodai Academy. A new product by Exodai.
Exodai Courses!
New and written guides for every kind of developer. It does not matter what you want to learn, every guide is completely written and can be used to learn or as extra documentation. And our guides will also be available as e-books later in 2024!
Free content for everyone!
Next to courses and guides we also provide weekly free content where we talk about certain subjects or just build stuff!
Weekly new videos about coding, building projects and more! Free to watch on Youtube in 4K!
Weekly livestreams where we build cool projects like iOS apps, API's or other cool things!
Weekly podcasts where we talk tech, code and where we interview other developers to reveal their secrets!
Multi-platform support!
Later in 2024 we will launch Mobile application, TvOS application and a MacOS application. Allowing you to download and take your guides and courses with you everywhere! :)
Basic is our free and basic option
Get access to all our paid courses and more!
Basically everything with a nice discount
Owner and Swift developer!