Toggles in SwiftUI

Toggles, also known as switches, are commonly used in user interfaces to allow users to turn a setting on or off. In SwiftUI, the `Toggle` view provides an intuitive and simple way to create these binary controls.


Toggles, also known as switches, are commonly used in user interfaces to allow users to turn a setting on or off. In SwiftUI, the `Toggle` view provides an intuitive and simple way to create these binary controls. This article will guide you through creating and customizing toggles, handling their state, and integrating them into forms and settings within your SwiftUI applications.

Creating a Simple Toggle

Creating a toggle in SwiftUI is straightforward. The `Toggle` view requires a label and a binding to a state variable that tracks whether the toggle is on or off. Here’s a basic example:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var isOn: Bool = true
    var body: some View {
        Toggle("Enable Feature", isOn: $isOn)

In this example, the `Toggle` is labeled "Enable Feature" and is bound to the `isOn` state variable. When the toggle is flipped, the value of `isOn` automatically updates to reflect the new state.

Customizing Toggle Appearance

While the appearance of toggles is somewhat standardized across iOS, you can still make a few customizations in SwiftUI. For instance, you can change the label's font, color, or alignment to better fit your app's design. Here’s how you can customize the label of a toggle:

Toggle(isOn: $isOn) {
    Text("Receive Notifications")

In this example, the `Text` label of the toggle is styled with a headline font and blue color. This allows you to maintain visual consistency with the rest of your app while using standard toggle controls.

Integrating Toggles into Forms

Toggles are often used in settings or preferences forms where users can enable or disable various features. SwiftUI makes it easy to integrate toggles into forms using the `Form` view, which automatically organizes the layout for settings screens. Here’s an example:

struct SettingsView: View {
    @State private var isAirplaneModeOn = false
    @State private var isWiFiOn = true
    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section(header: Text("Wireless")) {
                Toggle("Airplane Mode", isOn: $isAirplaneModeOn)
                Toggle("Wi-Fi", isOn: $isWiFiOn)

In this example, two toggles are placed inside a `Form` and grouped under the "Wireless" section. This is a typical layout for settings screens, making it easy for users to manage their preferences.

Handling Toggle State Changes

When a user interacts with a toggle, you may want to trigger additional actions or update other parts of your app based on the new state. SwiftUI provides the `.onChange()` modifier to observe changes in the toggle’s state and perform actions in response:

Toggle("Enable Dark Mode", isOn: $isDarkModeEnabled)
    .onChange(of: isDarkModeEnabled) { value in
        print("Dark Mode is now \(value ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")")

In this example, whenever the user toggles the "Enable Dark Mode" switch, a message is printed to the console indicating whether dark mode is enabled or disabled. This approach can be used to dynamically adjust app settings, save preferences, or trigger animations.

Grouping Toggles with Other Controls

Toggles can be grouped with other UI controls like buttons or sliders to create more complex interfaces. For example, you might want to enable a slider only when a corresponding toggle is turned on. Here’s how you can achieve this:

struct BrightnessControlView: View {
    @State private var isAutoBrightnessOn = false
    @State private var brightness: Double = 50
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Toggle("Auto-Brightness", isOn: $isAutoBrightnessOn)
            Slider(value: $brightness, in: 0...100)
            Text("Brightness: \(Int(brightness))%")

In this example, the brightness slider is disabled when "Auto-Brightness" is turned on. This shows how toggles can be used to control the availability of other UI elements, creating a more dynamic and responsive user interface.

Using Toggles in Lists

Toggles are also useful in list-based interfaces, where each list item can have its own toggle. This is common in settings where you might have a list of options that can each be individually turned on or off. Here’s how to use toggles within a list:

struct NotificationsView: View {
    @State private var notificationSettings = [
        "New Messages": true,
        "Friend Requests": false,
        "Mentions": true
    var body: some View {
        List {
            ForEach(notificationSettings.keys.sorted(), id: \.self) { key in
                Toggle(key, isOn: Binding(
                    get: { self.notificationSettings[key]! },
                    set: { self.notificationSettings[key] = $0 }

In this example, a list of notification settings is displayed, each with its own toggle. The state of each toggle is stored in a dictionary, and the toggles are dynamically created using a `ForEach` loop. This approach is effective for creating customizable settings lists where each option can be independently controlled.


The `Toggle` view in SwiftUI is a versatile control for managing on/off states in your applications. With its simple integration and customization options, you can use toggles to build intuitive and dynamic interfaces, whether in forms, settings, or other interactive elements. Understanding how to leverage toggles effectively will enhance the usability and functionality of your SwiftUI applications.

SwiftUI’s `Toggle` view provides a straightforward yet powerful way to create switches and binary controls in your app. By mastering the use of toggles, you can create user-friendly interfaces that allow users to manage settings and preferences with ease.



Johan t'Sas

Owner and Swift developer!