Text in SwiftUI

Text is one of the most fundamental elements in any user interface, and SwiftUI makes it incredibly easy to work with. The `Text` view in SwiftUI


Text is one of the most fundamental elements in any user interface, and SwiftUI makes it incredibly easy to work with. The `Text` view in SwiftUI is a versatile and powerful tool that allows you to display static or dynamic text in your applications with a high degree of customization. In this article, we'll explore how to create text views, customize their appearance, and ensure they are accessible to all users.

Creating a Simple Text View

To display text in SwiftUI, you simply use the `Text` view. Here’s a basic example:

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello, SwiftUI!")

This creates a `Text` view that displays the string "Hello, SwiftUI!" on the screen. By default, the text is displayed using the system font and size, but SwiftUI provides many ways to customize it to fit your design needs.

Customizing Text Appearance

One of the key strengths of SwiftUI’s `Text` view is the ability to easily customize its appearance. You can modify the font, color, and style of the text with simple modifiers. Here are some of the most commonly used customizations:

Changing the Font

You can change the font of a `Text` view using the `.font()` modifier. SwiftUI includes predefined fonts, or you can specify a custom font:

Text("Bold Text")
    .font(.system(size: 24, weight: .bold))

In this example, the text is set to a bold system font with a size of 24 points. SwiftUI also provides a variety of other built-in font styles, such as `.title`, `.headline`, and `.caption`.

Changing Text Color

To change the color of text, use the `.foregroundColor()` modifier. This allows you to set the text color to any color you like:

Text("Colored Text")

This example changes the text color to blue. You can use any color from the `Color` struct or define your own custom colors.

Applying Text Style Modifiers

SwiftUI also allows you to apply various style modifiers to your text. For example, you can make text italic, strikethrough, or underlined:

Text("Italic Text")

Text("Strikethrough Text")
    .strikethrough(true, color: .red)

Text("Underlined Text")
    .underline(true, color: .green)

These modifiers allow you to quickly and easily style your text to meet your design requirements.

Handling Multiline Text

SwiftUI’s `Text` view automatically handles multiline text. If the text content is too long to fit on a single line, SwiftUI will wrap it onto the next line. You can control the alignment of multiline text using the `.multilineTextAlignment()` modifier:

Text("This is a long text that will wrap onto multiple lines.")

This modifier centers the text across multiple lines. You can also choose left or right alignment by passing `.leading` or `.trailing` to the modifier.

Text Truncation

Sometimes, text might be too long to fit within its container, and you may not want it to wrap onto a new line. In such cases, you can control text truncation using the `.truncationMode()` modifier:

Text("This text is too long to fit in one line.")
    .frame(width: 100)

In this example, if the text is too long to fit in the specified frame width, it will be truncated, and an ellipsis (...) will appear at the end.

Accessibility Considerations

Ensuring that your text is accessible to all users is crucial. SwiftUI’s `Text` view supports Dynamic Type out of the box, automatically adjusting the font size based on the user’s accessibility settings. Additionally, you can add custom accessibility labels using the `.accessibilityLabel()` modifier:

Text("Tap to Continue")
    .accessibilityLabel("Continue button")

This label will be read by screen readers, providing context for users with visual impairments.


The `Text` view in SwiftUI is a powerful and flexible component for displaying text in your applications. With its extensive customization options, you can ensure that your text is not only visually appealing but also accessible to all users. Whether you are building a simple app or a complex user interface, understanding how to effectively use the `Text` view will be a fundamental skill in your SwiftUI development journey.

SwiftUI’s `Text` view offers a wide range of customization options, from changing fonts and colors to handling multiline text and ensuring accessibility. Mastering these options will allow you to create beautiful, user-friendly interfaces in your SwiftUI applications.



Johan t'Sas

Owner and Swift developer!