Stacks in SwiftUI

SwiftUI provides a powerful set of layout views that allow developers to arrange UI elements in various configurations. Among these, ZStack, HStack, and VStack are fundamental for building complex and responsive user interfaces.


ZStack, HStack, and VStack are foundational to SwiftUI's layout system, offering developers the tools they need to create elegant and efficient user interfaces.

ZStack, HStack, and VStack in SwiftUI

SwiftUI provides a powerful set of layout views that allow developers to arrange UI elements in various configurations. Among these, ZStack, HStack, and VStack are fundamental for building complex and responsive user interfaces. In this article, we'll explore each of these layout views, understand their differences, and learn how to use them effectively.


ZStack is short for "Z-axis Stack" and is used to overlay views on top of each other along the Z-axis. This means that views added later in the code will be displayed on top of views added earlier. ZStack is commonly used for creating layered UIs, such as overlapping text and images, or implementing custom designs with multiple layers.

To declare a ZStack in SwiftUI, simply use the ZStack view and place the views you want to overlay inside it.

ZStack {


HStack stands for "Horizontal Stack" and is used to arrange views horizontally in a row. Views added to an HStack are positioned next to each other from leading to trailing, with each view taking up as much space as necessary. HStack is ideal for creating horizontal layouts, such as navigation bars, buttons, or form elements.

To declare an HStack in SwiftUI, use the HStack view and add the views you want to arrange horizontally inside it.

HStack {
    Button("Cancel") {}
    Button("Save") {}


VStack stands for "Vertical Stack" and is used to arrange views vertically in a column. Similar to HStack, views added to a VStack are positioned on top of each other from top to bottom, with each view taking up as much space as necessary. VStack is commonly used for creating vertical layouts, such as lists, forms, or stacked cards.

To declare a VStack in SwiftUI, use the VStack view and add the views you want to arrange vertically inside it.

VStack {
    TextField("Enter your name", text: $name)
    Button("Submit") {}

Difference Between ZStack, HStack, and VStack

While ZStack, HStack, and VStack serve similar purposes of arranging views, they differ in their orientation and stacking behavior:

  • ZStack arranges views along the Z-axis, allowing for overlays and layering.
  • HStack arranges views horizontally in a row from leading to trailing.
  • VStack arranges views vertically in a column from top to bottom.

Additionally, VStack and HStack are more commonly used for structuring user interfaces, while ZStack is often used for creating visually appealing overlays and complex designs.


Understanding ZStack, HStack, and VStack is essential for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces in SwiftUI. Whether you need to overlay views, arrange them horizontally, or stack them vertically, these layout views provide the flexibility and versatility needed to create engaging iOS applications.



Johan t'Sas

Owner and Swift developer!