Images in SwiftUI

Images play a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal of your applications. In SwiftUI, the `Image` view provides a flexible and powerful way to display images


Images play a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal of your applications. In SwiftUI, the `Image` view provides a flexible and powerful way to display images, whether they are from the asset catalog, system icons, or remote URLs. With the introduction of `AsyncImage`, loading and displaying images from the web has become even more seamless. This article will guide you through the basics of creating and displaying images, customizing their appearance, and applying various effects to enhance your UI.

Displaying a Simple Image

To display an image in SwiftUI, you can use the `Image` view. Images can be loaded from your app’s asset catalog, system-provided icons, or other sources. Here’s a basic example of displaying an image from the asset catalog:

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
            .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

In this example, the `Image` view loads an image named "exampleImage" from the asset catalog. The `.resizable()` modifier allows the image to resize to fit the available space, and `.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)` ensures the image maintains its aspect ratio while fitting within the view's bounds.

Displaying System Icons

SwiftUI includes a vast library of system icons that you can use directly in your app. These icons are vector-based, meaning they scale smoothly at any size. Here’s how to display a system icon using the `Image` view:

Image(systemName: "star.fill")
    .frame(width: 50, height: 50)

In this example, the `Image` view displays a star icon using the system name "star.fill". The icon is resized to 50x50 points, and its color is set to yellow using the `.foregroundColor()` modifier.

Loading Images from URLs with AsyncImage

With the introduction of `AsyncImage` in SwiftUI, loading and displaying images from remote URLs has become simpler and more efficient. `AsyncImage` handles the download and display of the image asynchronously, providing built-in support for placeholders and error handling. Here’s how to use `AsyncImage` to load an image from a URL:

struct ContentView: View {
    let imageUrl = URL(string: "")
    var body: some View {
        AsyncImage(url: imageUrl) { phase in
            if let image = phase.image {
                    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
            } else if phase.error != nil {
                Text("Failed to load image")
            } else {
        .frame(width: 200, height: 200)

In this example, `AsyncImage` loads an image from the provided URL. While the image is loading, a `ProgressView` spinner is shown. If the image fails to load, an error message is displayed. Once the image is successfully loaded, it’s displayed with a `.resizable()` modifier and an aspect ratio that fits within the specified frame.

Applying Image Modifiers

SwiftUI provides a wide range of modifiers that you can apply to images, allowing you to adjust their appearance and add effects. Here are a few common modifiers:

Adjusting Opacity

You can adjust the opacity of an image using the `.opacity()` modifier:

    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

In this example, the image’s opacity is set to 50%, making it partially transparent.

Applying a Shadow

To add depth to your images, you can apply a shadow using the `.shadow()` modifier:

    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
    .shadow(color: .gray, radius: 10, x: 5, y: 5)

In this example, a shadow with a gray color, 10-point blur radius, and 5-point offsets in both x and y directions is applied to the image.

SwiftUI’s `Image` and `AsyncImage` views are powerful tools for displaying and customizing images in your applications. Whether you’re working with assets, system icons, or images from the web, these views provide all the flexibility you need to create visually engaging UIs. By mastering the various modifiers and techniques available, you can enhance the visual appeal of your app and provide a richer experience for your users.



Johan t'Sas

Owner and Swift developer!