Functions in Objective C

Functions are fundamental building blocks in any programming language. In Objective-C, functions are declared similarly to other C-based languages but with some unique features. As a Swift developer, you'll find some syntactic and structural differences.


This article provides an introduction to functions in Objective-C, aimed at Swift developers looking to expand their programming skills. We'll cover the syntax, usage, and key differences between Swift and Objective-C functions.

Understanding Functions in Objective-C

Functions are fundamental building blocks in any programming language. In Objective-C, functions are declared similarly to other C-based languages but with some unique features. As a Swift developer, you'll find some syntactic and structural differences.

Function Declaration

In Objective-C, functions are declared outside of any class definitions, unlike Swift where functions are typically methods within classes or structures. Here's a basic function declaration in Objective-C:

int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

Calling Functions

Calling a function in Objective-C is straightforward. You simply use the function name followed by arguments in parentheses. For example:

int result = add(5, 3);

The above code calls the add function with arguments 5 and 3, storing the result in the variable result.

Function Parameters and Return Types

Objective-C supports various parameter types and return types. You can pass multiple parameters and specify different return types just like in Swift. Here's an example with a function that returns a string:

NSString* greet(NSString* name) {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hello, %@!", name];

This function takes an NSString parameter and returns a greeting message. Note the use of NSString, which is the Objective-C equivalent of String in Swift.

Using Functions within Classes

While free-standing functions are common in Objective-C, you'll often define methods within classes. These methods can then be called on instances of the class. Here's a simple example:

@interface Math : NSObject
- (int)add:(int)a with:(int)b;

@implementation Math
- (int)add:(int)a with:(int)b {
    return a + b;

In this example, the Math class has an add:with: method that adds two integers. You can call this method on a Math object:

Math *math = [[Math alloc] init];
int result = [math add:5 with:3];


Objective-C functions are similar to functions in other C-based languages, with some unique syntax and usage patterns. As a Swift developer, understanding these differences will help you read and write Objective-C code more effectively. Whether you're calling free-standing functions or methods within classes, the principles remain consistent and allow for powerful and flexible programming.

  • Function Declaration: How to declare functions outside class definitions.
  • Calling Functions: Syntax for calling functions with arguments.
  • Parameters and Return Types: Using different parameter types and return values.
  • Using Functions within Classes: Defining and calling methods within Objective-C classes.


Johan t'Sas

Owner and Swift developer!