What are Design Patterns

Design patterns are essential tools in the toolkit of every iOS developer. They are not specific to iOS but are universal solutions to common problems encountered during software development. Think of them as tried-and-tested templates that developers can use to solve recurring architectural challenges in their applications.


Understanding Design Patterns in iOS Development

Design patterns are essential tools in the toolkit of every iOS developer. They are not specific to iOS but are universal solutions to common problems encountered during software development. Think of them as tried-and-tested templates that developers can use to solve recurring architectural challenges in their applications.

What Exactly Are Design Patterns?

Design patterns are best practices distilled from the collective experience of developers over time. They provide structured ways to design software components and ensure that the code is flexible, reusable, and maintainable. By applying design patterns, developers can avoid reinventing the wheel and leverage solutions that have already been proven effective.

Imagine you're building a house. You wouldn't start by designing the plumbing system from scratch; instead, you would use established standards and practices. Similarly, design patterns offer established solutions to common software development problems.

Types of Design Patterns

Design patterns are categorized into three main types:

  • **Creational Patterns:** These patterns focus on object creation mechanisms, abstracting the process of object instantiation. Examples include Singleton, Factory Method, and Builder patterns.

  • **Structural Patterns:** These patterns deal with object composition and class structure, emphasizing how classes and objects can be combined to form larger structures. Examples include MVC (Model-View-Controller), Adapter, and Facade patterns.

  • **Behavioral Patterns:** These patterns are concerned with communication between objects, defining how they interact and distribute responsibilities. Examples include Observer, Strategy, and Command patterns.

Real-World Application in iOS

Let's take a simple example of the Singleton pattern, which ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it:

class DataManager {
    static let shared = DataManager()
    private init() {}
    func fetchData() {
        // Implementation to fetch data

In this example, DataManager.shared gives us access to the single instance of the DataManager class throughout the app. This pattern is useful for managing shared resources like data caches, settings, or networking components.

Benefits of Using Design Patterns

Using design patterns in your iOS projects offers several advantages:

  • **Proven Solutions:** Design patterns are solutions to common problems that have been vetted by the development community.
  • **Scalability:** They promote scalability by providing structured approaches to code organization and management.
  • **Code Maintainability:** Patterns encourage cleaner, more modular code that is easier to maintain and extend.
  • **Collaboration:** Developers familiar with design patterns can more easily collaborate with others, as patterns provide a common language and framework.


Design patterns are an integral part of iOS development, offering reusable solutions to common software design challenges. By understanding and applying these patterns, developers can build more robust and maintainable apps. Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, mastering design patterns will elevate the quality of your iOS development projects.

In essence, design patterns are like recipes for solving specific problems in software development. They provide structure, promote code reuse, and improve the overall quality of your iOS applications.



Johan t'Sas

Owner and Swift developer!