
Exodai Academy the official Announcement of our new Learning platform!

What a year!

In March 2023, halfway through the winter season in the Austrian Alps, I sat in the office of my then client until half past two at night. I was then working on an iOS application for displaying ads in Augmented Reality using CoreML and ARKIT. The idea was that people could walk down the street with a phone and see advertisements for certain companies.

Now this was quite an impressive project and I worked on it with a lot of love, but it still bothered me. Even as a Senior Developer you have to do a lot of research and after a while I discovered that a lot of documentation, tutorials and courses online always do the same thing. There are few developers who really write targeted tutorials on a specific topic, or even record courses where they build a specific project or delve deeply into a topic.

And this, is something I want to change with Exodai Academy

So what is Exodai?

So now the question is. What exactly is Exodai? Exodai is a new project that will include all future companies and products we develop. Exodai is actually the Holding that also includes Exodai Academy. Exodai's idea is that we record the complete development of all our future products in the form of courses. So imagine. You follow our beginners courses at Exodai Academy and you have enough experience to learn how to build certain products. Then Exodai Academy is the right place for you. In our courses we will build real products that we will later launch and try to monetize.

We teach you the entire process from an idea for an app or application to planning, design, wireframing and the final development and testing of applications. And we divide this over different courses so that you are not glued to one course for 100 hours and at a certain point you drown in the amount of information.

Another aspect of Exodai Academy is that in addition to our real world application courses, we will also offer target courses and guides where we focus entirely on a specific topic. Take AVFoundation as an example, a media framework that is widely used. But of which there are few examples, courses and tutorials. And this is what we want to offer with Exodai Academy.

The plan for 2024

The plan for 2024 is to create differently written guides that will mainly focus on Swift for novice developers and various target courses with which we will mainly focus on Swift, SwiftUI and UIKit.

In terms of features, we have something very cool in store. Later in 2024 we will launch 3 brand new Exodai Academy applications for iOS, iPadOS, TvOS and MacOS. This means that you can download our videos and guides and read and watch them anywhere in the world.

In terms of content, in 2024 we will mainly focus on guides and courses that are fully aimed at the novice iOS developer and we want to organize this in such a way that you can learn things from us that you hardly see anywhere else. With Exodai Academy we want to focus entirely on Apple specific APIs and frameworks such as CoreML, ARKit, AVFoundation and much much more.

So I hope you are as excited as we are. So stay tuned while we create new content, provide Exodai Academy with new features ;)



Johan t'Sas

Owner and Swift developer!